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Advanced Integrated In-Line Inspection Mapping, Management and Assessment System streamlining management processes

In-Line Inspection Alignment & Matching

Every ILI is modeled in 3D on the best centerline available for each pipe route and stored in a PODS database

Spatial Documents

Quickly collect and assign records and permanently attach them to any spatial asset in a PODS database

PODS Database

Enhanced scalability, reliability, performance and control to help derive the most value from pipeline integrity information

Pipeline Integrity Management Products & Solutions

We engineer customer-centric Pipeline Integrity Management (PIM) products and solutions that let you design the most effective processes and access the most relevant information to complete your Pipeline Integrity work, whatever your role, wherever you are.

Cylo Technologies was formed as a partnership of technology companies with long histories of software innovation and GIS expertise. Since 2009, we have been developing a cutting edge ILI management and analysis system in cooperation with industry leaders in pipeline operations.

CyloPipe focuses on data integration and management, displaying ILI information, and any other asset data, in an interactive map. CyloPipe streamlines your integrity management process by integrating and modeling any data source from your entire asset base into one PODS 5.1 compliant system in order to provide industry leading capability, performance, and cost effectiveness. CyloPipe provides the capability to find critical defects as reported in an ILI run utilizing customized corporate dig criteria within minutes of beginning an analysis within the system.

CyloPipe - Advanced Integrated ILI Mapping, Management and Assessment System


CyloPipe is an advanced Integrated ILI Mapping, Management and Assessment System. CyloPipe streamlines your integrity management processes by integrating and modeling any data source from your entire asset base into one PODS 5.1 compliant system. We focus on data integration and management, and display all data in an interactive map view.

  • Inherently data driven ILI management software solution
  • Modular; meets any company specific regulatory needs
  • Leverages PODS historical data, automated ILI comparison with NDE inspection programs and results
  • Hosts unstructured data types and records using innovative spatial document management integration
  • Handles unfiltered ILI data with unlimited record sizes to allow coating condition visualization
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PODS 5.1 Database - Pipeline Machine Learning

In-Line Inspection Alignment and Matching

Cylo Technologies offers complete In-line Inspection Alignment and Matching. Every In-line Inspection (ILI), regardless of Tool Vendor, Tool Technology, or Tool Era is modelled in 3D, positioned on the best centerline available for each Pipe Route, and stored in a PODS 5.1-compliant database. Each ILI is matched girth weld to girth weld, defect to defect, millimeter to millimeter and is easily rescheduled as the corporate centerline is altered and improved.

  • Alignment and Matching of In-line Inspections across all Tool Vendors and all Tool Technologies
  • Easily reschedule every aligned and matched ILI as the corporate centerline is altered and improved
  • Full 3D pipeline modelling for unprecedented spatial accuracy
  • Non-Proprietary PODS 5.1-compliant Database Interface and Microsoft Excel exports for easy integration with Pipeline Integrity and GIS
  • Fixed cost service with extremely rapid turnaround!
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DocConnect - enables the linking of unstructured records to any spatial record

DocConnectTM and Spatial Linking of Documents

DocConnectTM enables linking of unstructured records directly to any spatial record in your corporate PODS 5.1+ database. By leveraging PODS, DocConnectTM provides traceability and validity of pipeline records at a granular level for each individual asset.

Physical assets often have unstructured records such as reports and photographs that companies commonly store on a corporate file system for future review and retrieval. Such systems generally store a file system path (such as a network drive location) which is recorded in Excel along with cursory asset information. Being inherently disconnected from the actual asset record opens up the possibility - perhaps inevitability - that over time the file location link will become lost / changed / corrupted resulting in the loss of the records and files associated with the asset.

  • DXF, DWG, SHP, etc.
  • JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.
  • Scanned images, documents
  • PDF
  • and more
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CyloTech is at PPIM 2024

Thanks for visiting us at booth #915 at the 2024 PPIM Pipeline Pigging and Integrity Management Exhibition in Houston, Texas! We'll see you next year.